HMS Ganges Slop Room [Midlands]



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The following list of ships badges are true replica's made up as lapel badges as supplied by the NAAFI in olden days.

Priced at £3.75 each.

Abdiel Bulwark D Boats Assn Ilex Nubian Superb
Achates Burghead Bay Eagle Illustrious Osprey Sussex
Acheron Caesar Edinburgh Implacable Penelope Swiftsure
Achilles Cairo Electra Indomitable Owen Tarbatness
Active (Pin) Calcutta Endurance Invincible Pelican Teazer
Adamant Caledonia Engadine (R.F.A) Jackal Pellew Tenby
Afrikander Calpe Enterprise Jaguar Penelope Terror
Agincourt Cambrian Euryalus Jupiter Penzance Theseus
Amazon Carron Exeter Jutland Phoebe Tiger
Ambuscade Carysfort Exmouth Kelly Plymouth Torquay
Amphion Cavalier Falmouth Kelvin Protector Trafalgar
Andromeda Cavendish Fearless Kent Puma Trinidad
Antelope Centaur Fisgard Kenya Ramillies Triumph
Anzio Ceylon Flamingo Keppel Reclaim Troubridge
Ardent Challenger Fleet Air Arm Kingfisher Regent (R.F.A) Ulster
Arethusa Charybdis Fleetwood Lagos Relentless Undaunted
Argonaut Charity Fort Austin Lancaster Reliant (R.F.A) Undine
Argus Chequers Fort Grange Leander Renown Urania
Ariadne Cleopatra Forth Leopard Repulse Vanguard
Arrow Comet Fowey Lincoln Resolution Verulam
Ashanti Condor Frobisher Lion Resource Veryan Bay
Auriga Cornwall Fulmar Liverpool Revenge Vidal
Aurochs Corunna Furious Llandaff Rochester Vigilant
Aurora Coventry Gabbard Loch Alvie Rocket Vigo
Ausonia Cumberland Galatea Loch Fyne Rodney Vindictive
Avenger Curlew Gannet Loch Insh Royal Arthur Wakeful
Bacchante Dalrymple Glamorgan Loch Killisport Royal Marines Warcop
Battleaxe Danae Glasgow Loch Ruthven Royal Oak Warwick
Beaver Dartmouth Glorious London Saintes Westminster
Belfast Dauntless Gloucester Lowestoft Salisbury Weston
Bellona Defender Goldcrest Lyness (R.F.A) Scarborough Whirlwind
Berwick Delhi Grafton Lynx Scorpion Whitby
Bigbury Bay Delight Greenwich Magpie Scylla Whitesand Bay
Birmingham Despatch Grenville Maidstone Sea Hawk Wild Goose
Blackpool Devonshire Gurkha Malabar Sheffield Winchelsea
Blake Diadem Hampshire Malaya Shoreham Wizard
Boadicea Diamond Hecate Malcolm Shoulton Woolwich
Brave Diana Herald Manchester Shropshire Wrangler
Brazen Dido Hermes Maori Sikh Yarmouth
Bridgewater Diomede Heron Matapan Sirius York
Bridlington Dorsetshire Hindustan Medway Snipe Zest
Brighton Dragon Hobart (H.M.A.S) Morecambe Bay Solebay  
Brilliant Duchess Hogue Mounts Bay Southampton  
Bristol Duke of York Hyatt Naval Crown St.Austell Bay  
Britannia Duncan Hydra Neptune St.Brides Bay  
Broadsword Dundas Hyperion Norfolk St.Kitts  
Bulldog Dundee Icarus Nottingham Suffolk  

Sad to say this is the end of the line for these badges the company that manufactured

these has gone out of business - when these badges have gone they are gone


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Last Updated on 05/10/19
By J Doyle